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I am a student who loves spending her spare time reading, watching tv and relaxing with my family. I love books of all genres, and will always give any book ago!

Currently reading

Wedlock: How Georgian Britain's Worst Husband Met His Match
Wendy Moore
The Valley of Horses
Jean M. Auel
Psv Harvest
Tess Gerritsen
The Silent Girl
Tess Gerritsen
Dark Prince
Christine Feehan
The Host: A Novel
Stephenie Meyer
Night Sins (Deer Lake #1)
Tami Hoag
A Discovery of Witches
Deborah Harkness

The Five People You Meet in Heaven

The Five People You Meet In Heaven - Mitch Albom I had this on my readling list for my BA, and I completely understand why. It is a very heart warming true story which shows how you can look at death in a positive manner. Its a real feel good book, and the professor in it really inspires you. It took me just under two hours to read and I completely loved it!